Ask a Werewolf advice column

Billed as “reasonable advice on taboo subjects from both an ethical human and the demonic beast that occasionally possesses him,” Ask a Werewolf is (or was) an advice column featuring answers from both a human and his wolf side.

Wolf: Hi Concerned. Fear is perfectly natural, don’t feel bad about it. Fear was probably the first emotion. All animals experience it, even monsters like me. Your species is very very thinky and clever, and as such, you suck at regulating your fear. I’m not very clever, but here’s a few perspectives that might help you manage it better.

Alas, it only ran two articles in February and March 2017, and seems to have been abandoned.

So You’ve Become a Werewolf: A Guide to the Fuzzy Life

A short pamphlet for the novice werewolf by Erik Amill, author of of Biff the Vampire.

  • Were you attacked on the Irish Moors during a foggy night by a large animal?
  • Have you recently upset a gypsy or other person of mystic heritage?
  • Have you or a loved one brought this on yourself by casting a magic spell or taking part in a magical ceremony?

If so, you may be a werewolf. On the next page, we
have included a handy questionnaire to determine if you
have become one of the thousands of Therianthropes (that’s
animal people to the layperson) active in the world today.

PDF (12 pages): So You’ve Become a Werewolf